Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Zambia: Satirical Musician 'Pilato ' Freed of Charges

Satirical musician Fumba Chama alias Pilato has been discharged by the Lusaka Magistrate court in the matter he was charged with conduct likely to cause the breach of peace.
And Lusaka based musician Miko Zulu has charged that the case against Pilato was a waste of public resources.
Magistrate Aridah Chulu discharged Chama this morning after the state entered a nolle prosequi.
Magistrate Chulu informed Chama when the matter came up for trial that the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) had enter a nolle prosequi.
And Chama expressed delight at the State's decision to discontinue the matter.
Chama was alleged to have conducted himself in a manner likely to cause the breach of peace when he composed the controversial song "Alungu ana bwela" considered defamatory to the president.
And Lusaka based musician Miko Zulu has charged that the case against Pilato was a waste of public resources.
Zulu said it was clear from the onset that the case was not going anywhere because some individuals were trying to please President.

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