The Modern African Lady

                                           By Da'vid King
                                               David Okorie
                                               Charity Israel
                                               Samuel Arua
                                               Clara Moore
                                               Precious Okeke K.
 The Modern African Lady
  more of character than appearance

 The Modern African Lady
   Meet the Writers
 Keep going forward

 We look forward to Anti-(bleaching, laziness, plan-less-ness, aimlessness, nudity attack, too-much-TV, too-much-online activities)
 The online concord aims at inspiring ladies to be original, more hardworking, future planning, self and career building, see more to life etc. It seeks to correct bleaching, body markings and printings and it encourages being responsible for future mothers. It seeks to motivate young females to try to pick a book and it paints a special picture for the new generation woman. They are "the soon to be mothers," and mothers keep the society decent because good child training lies in the hands of a good mother. What they have is what they will give. "If the mothers are not fully baked then the future is in trouble." Our young ladies of today are the future mothers and the need to paddle them to Good-Land is very important.
*deliberate Kinglish English – creative use of words in writing to give a particular imagery

The Modern African Lady                                                                              by Da'vid King

Anytime I Google Africa, I always find a painting that portrays an African mother with child. The exclusive natural way her face carries affection towards her new spring is perfectly displayed with all the little details outlined. What will become of this child lies in the hands of the mother from the nine months stay in the mother to the early dependent years outside the mother. A good mother is all Africa needs I find myself say without thinking.
Today, Africa like the rest of her other family-continents of the world have New Generation human beings. Every century has its set of human beings, the twentieth century has presented the world with its kind and the new-days beings brought with them the new breeze of "fast days fast living" the high need for a quick service, a now action and life is short backup story.

The young ladies are shaping into what the western world calls "a modern mother." The Blackman’s part of the world does not have such culture traits and it should not. If every continent protects and preserves her major traditions and cultures, so should Africa.

The key hypnotic word is Modernization but what it really is, is modern colonization.
Yesterday African women were made up with the natural findings in Africa but today they inject hundred and one artificial make ups that robs us of their natural beauty. Beauty is a thing Africa have, adding colors only makes it a rainbow that looks confused.

If we are in a new age then we need new things, this is a factual statement. To further embrace this statement, as an artist I will say we now use computers to work and electronic tools to make it more professional. But I voice out that any artist that forsakes his brush or quill pen has lost the original touch of original art. Any lady that plans to go up only via the elevator totally avoiding the stairs is definitely going to be a made in china mother, I jokingly posted on Facebook. Ladies need to have the all-rounder baking of life. These include actually doing something for themselves by themselves. This statement means that a lady should believe in herself and do something out of the ordinary.

WHO IS A MODERN AFRICAN LADY? She is anyone who understands the role of a mother to her children, a lady who has learnt wisdom and the ways of self and family management. A lady who has decency in her genes, portrays self-respect and portrays gentle lady-ness appropriately. A woman who to her children is a good example. She prides truly in her true image and her natural beauty speaks of itself. Such a lady, having learnt the mix of modern life expectation and what is expected of her to do well as a good woman and mother is a Modern African Lady.
Modern expectation includes the academic background, something doing for livelihood, hobbies and personal goals, good spiritual living mostly if you are a Christian among others.

The NEGATIVE Picture: A lady who wants the best out of life losses the balance of “a time for everything” and falls into the fire of doing just pleasure activities all day of her life. She wants everything she sees on TV. She wants to be known as the bad lady who teaches others how to be bad. She has tattoos, piercings here and there, an outspoken dress sense and a heavy load of “artificials” all over her. From the skin layer to her eye color, to body features and pigment. She grows old and mature but her body outlook rejects offers from government appointment positions to brand ambassadorships and other such positions as they say she is not corporately-presentable. At this stage, she wishes she didn’t have the loads of markings on her body and all sorts of youthful over-fun she had but the past is pass and now is what you must deal with. Nobody wants to present a mother who has markings and piercings to the public in Africa.

The POSITIVE Picture: A lady who wants the best out of life makes self-goals and keeps to achieving them. As time flies by she moves from one stage to the other with a touch of all round living. Social life, spiritual life and academic life as she keep herself as natural as possible meaning no funny body markings and unnecessary piercings. What she needed to do, she did honestly and truthfully. She can be appointed for any political positions, she can be appointed for any religious function and she will be a good example to her children. She can say "don't do it" and they kids will obey without replying "as if you didn't do worse than us."

KEEP THYSELF UNIQUE AND SPECIAL WITH NO MUDDING FOR YOU ARE PERFECTLY MADE BY THE CREATOR this statement is saying No to adding green on a nice white shirt, it has nothing to do with the situation you bleach the white to be whiter. One can correct little errors like teeth formation, cross eye and sorts but going beyond looking purely natural is what we discourage. What message does it send? An ebony skin must not be fair to be a model don't be deceived.
An imaginative hundred percent African woman will be a woman who is kind hearted, caring, responsible and a good role model to her child/children. 

My mother told me never to promise a lady that I will marry her when I know I won't, not to pregnant any girl I don't love, not to steal, not to cheat and to do unto others what I want them to do unto me. I am who I am today, because she trained me in a godly way.
The lesson learnt here is as you were taught so will you be, train up a child in the ways of the lord and when he grows old, he will never depart from it.

My message to the ladies is "there are no set out routes to living but there are expectations expected, it seems no one is watching but everyone is actually watching. You have more to give. How many great African women do we have in Africa? We need more and you should be on the list. What is your hobbies? What are your likes? What else do you do apart from chatting, watching movies, listening to music and dancing? Answer this questions and your path will be clearer than ever which means you are amounting to being somebody important in the society. Load your brain with knowledge for knowledge is good and important. Read for reading is power and believe in yourselves." Sometimes you ask the wrong friends for advice and you get derailed by their awful talks. Know where you are going and keep going. Read on people that have made it in your chosen career and get sound advice for their experiences, don’t listen to the lazy minds’ words, it leads to the destruction of good future and character.

Your name ............, you are capable of achieving anything. I have female friends who are doing more than their peers achievement wise. They started climbing their career ladder early, and daily they gain experience and wisdom to be professionals. What are your goals and career to-do lists? Start doing them now and climb up step by step. Twenty four hours should have some hours of fun and some hours of real work.
This project –The Modern African Lady was hosted by students who were busy schooling and also practicing their future careers. I have achieved a long list of goals all checked on my to-do list. This project is one of them and more keep coming with benefits and money bonus as I go forward. If we can do it, so can you.

BALANCING THE IDEAL OF THE MODERN WOMAN                             by David Okorie

What does the modern woman really wants? This single question has left a lot of men confused, and out of option wondering what their role is in her quest for a freer world.
 The very first thing the modern woman wants is equality: why should a woman spread her legs for a man just to get a job? When the man in charge of HER may not match her intelligence or qualification, that’s absurd! The modern woman wants to be qualified with her head and heart, and not boobs and bottom. She wants her strength to be accessed based on her character and competence, rather than her gender. She wants to be considered just as smart as any man, to be treated with the same respect and have access to basic rights and opportunities as any man. She wants her opinion to be heard, and not considered less capable than man. This seems to be the cornerstone of the feminist movement.
However, in their pursuit for a freer world for all women; they seemed to have lost sense of the boundary of what they really want. They more they evolve the more the men are speechless, most are scared. And at worst, most modern women in their modernity have achieved all except to be happily married. Of course most said they don’t need a man, yet they are unhappy about not having a man in their lives.
Someone asked, “Should a woman surrender her ambitions just to carter for the fragile ego of a man, to be less ambitious, so that men will feel safe?” No! In fact popular Nollywood star Genevieve Nnaji once said that the man who will be threatened by her success is still a boy. You are not in relationship for foolish compromise, you are there for growth.

The truth is the modern woman can be anything she wants to be, aspire and reach out her highest dreams without scaring the man in her life or making the rest run from her. I have put down three keys to balance the ideal of modern woman.
1.            The modern woman should redefine the concept of feminism. Nothing is wrong in being female, but few things are wrong about the feminist agenda. The agenda should not be built on competing strength against men, rather it should seek to complement strength with men. Rather than compare, it should seek to cooperate. Every woman needs a man.
2.            Secondly, the modern woman should fly with the man who is willing to fly with her. A man who is threatened by her success is exactly the kind of man she should never have anything to do with. He will slow her speed, stunt her vision, and make her sacrifice further. Once she is connected to the man who is in tune with her spirit, he will celebrate her success rather than get jealous and scared. Her success gives him a kick, and puts more drive into her shared vision. This is how people grow.
3.            Finally, The modern woman should learn how to make her man feel safe with her wealth and successes. Instead of using possessive pronouns for ownership, she should use possessive pronouns for partnership: words like ‘our car’ instead of ‘my car.’ Instead of ‘I worked this out’; she could use words like, ‘we worked this out’, and these choices of words lead to irresistible synergy and cooperation. It drives out fear and unhealthy tension but does produce the drive to work as team into the future.

The Modern African Lady                                                                             by Clara Moore

Defining who a modern African lady is? She is one who is modest, virtuous, reserved, decent, and respectful with high moral sense. She is one who possess the ability and resourcefulness to lay a solid foundation for the younger generation. She possess vision and mission, one who her character speaks and not her luxurious appearance. Above all, a Modern African Lady is supernatural and unique in her ways.
In retrospect, my mother once told me how she got her tattoo, how she wore tarty dresses because she wanted to look sexy, how she changed her look to be like our todays’ Barbie or Kim Kardashian or what have you. Even when she was an epitome of a true African lady. How she wanted to be present in ever party, ignore her books for all the TV programs in vogue and how she was engrossed with her appearance and not her vision.
My mother taught me never to be too occupied with those things that rarely mattered but my dream she said, is imperative. She told me that living a life of “la dolce vita” is aimless and plan-less. So far, this has helped me to set a standard in which i thread upon. She regrets most of the things she did but who would have warned her of the aftermath events?

I will like to sight an example of a friend named Timmy who was engrossed with her phone on her way to an interview that she forgot where she was heading. By the time she realized the clock didn’t stop ticking for her to do the less important in a quest for the important and decided to hurry along. She finally reached her destination only to meet the last interviewee by the door way who told her she was the second on the list and her name had been called several times. She lost an opportunity because of her excessive attachment to her hand mobile. Stay focus and square your priorities
My advice to ladies: It’s better to be a wise lady than a fool. It’s better to pick a book for it gives free knowledge than a blazer which will fade away. It’s better to be mocked now and later become a mogul. It’s okay to starve now in other to become Dora Akunyili or Dangote later. It’s also better to wear rags now in other to wear Gucci later. That no matter what happens, do not retire but refocus on your vision!
My conclusion: As the saying goes, you can never give what you don't have. As a lady you give us a product of what you have, not what you do not have. As such you must learn to bring yourself up in a way that you will fit into the modern African lady in other to nurture children who will impact tremendously and positively in the society. Those who will be great African leaders. Imagine being the mother to great men and women, oh how fulfilling it is!
It’s not all about your appearance but that which you possess, that which will help present a good image of you who is also a representative of an African lady anywhere you go and will also help raise a great future generation that one would be proud of. It all starts from you!

DON'T BE A BIMBO!                                                                                         By Charity Israel

A woman's beauty is in her brains. I am tired of seeing ladies walking around the streets, diminishing their value all in the name of looking good. You mask yourself in scary makeup just to get a 'ssssssss' from a guy at the corner of the street.
Woman! Where is your pride? Where have you dropped your esteem? Instead of wasting time pleasing the 'boys', invest time in storing meaningful knowledge in your brains that would make you an asset and not a liability to your ''man''...As it's been said, “behind every successful man is a good woman.” Be that woman.

My mother induced me to be a real woman. which she says is one who can take care of her home. A real woman wakes up early enough to clean the house and prepare the meal while others are still asleep. My mother does say that a woman who cannot manage a home is not worth keeping.
I dare you to be that real woman who can contribute meaningfully to a conversation. Whose long painted nails would not interfere in doing the chores and whose masked face can stand the heat oozing in the kitchen.
Just so you know, you're not going to be young and sexy all your life. Time is coming when your push-up bra would not hold your sagging breast and your wrinkled face becomes less appreciated as in your youthful days. By then, you would ask yourself, “What impact did I leave at my young age?” That's what will become admirable even after you're gone.
Brace up lady and don't be a Bimbo!

Poem: Cracks in the Norm                                                                   by Okeke Precious K

With her fierce nails
She tears down every constitutions and dictation
that drapes Her shoulders
With red lips she kisses
her ambitions goodbye to stupor
Her high heels
stomps her visions and goals.
Legs go erect for ecstasy
Yet hopes for a magical future
She hails feminism
And lacks responsibility
Yet long for equality
She has veered the definition
Of an African woman
Though it seem pathological...
yet I believe there is a way

THE MODERN WOMAN                                                                              by Samuel Arua

In my early teenage days, my mother would always admonish me with proverbs that still ring in my ears till date, in our dialect. One of such proverbs says, "The stubborn fowl would always learn humility in the owner's pot". As I got set to pen down my thoughts, I didn't know where to start from. So I closed my eyes for some seconds so that I could do a virtual comparison between the woman I call my mother and the young ladies I encounter every day. But unfortunately, I couldn't reconcile both pictures.
I wondered if the advent of social media was a curse to our generation. The way most ladies are more interested in how many 'likes' and 'comments' their pictures attracted on Facebook or how many followers they have on Twitter or how many fans they have on Instagram, is absurd.

 I was repulsed by the idea that a young lady would spend most of her waking hours in a day joggling between the social medias she subscribes in. Trying to keep track of the happenings and her 'fans' alike, not that it adds to her income or makes her a better person. I am shocked at the fact that, the average young girl only wants to be like Kim Kardashian or Beyoncé or any of the entertainment goddesses of our times. I am shocked that most of the young ladies I have met or interviewed when asked what they want to be or where they see themselves in the next 5 years, their answers revolved around wanting to either be an actress, a singer, a model or a fashion designer. And so, for most of them they have to dress the part.

 Years ago, as my friend would always say, “Fashion was all about what you wore and how much part of your body it covered but now, fashion is about what part of your body it doesn't cover.” The 'hot gowns' as they call it or the 'tube tops' as they nicknamed it, all reveal what our mothers diligently sought to keep hidden. I thought of how immersed our young ladies are to their boyfriends and the attention given to them and how little thought is given to tomorrow or their place in tomorrow. This thoughts made me fear for tomorrow but thanks to this project, awareness lights up hope.
 You see, the average young lady would never think of looking up the newspaper or magazine except if she wants to get information from the entertainment section or worst, wouldn't want to pick a book and read except if it is a novel of the romance genre.

My mother didn't have the opportunity to read newspapers when she was young neither did she have the privilege of using the social medias in her younger days. She never had the luxury of having one or two of those 'hot gowns' not that she couldn't afford it, but because she knew what was important and what wasn't. She knew some day, she would have to raise someone like me as a son, and when she did, she wouldn't have to explain why she had those markings called 'tattoos' on her skin and why she had them while discouraging me from having it too. She knew she would want me to be a better man not just for myself but my future wife, my kids-her grandchildren and the world in general. So she made sure she set her own records straight because she was going to be a mother someday.

The world is no more as it used to be in the days of our mothers, but that doesn't mean that the principles have changed either. Please diva, I know you have your life to live, and I know you have to enjoy the days of your youth. But please spare me this few seconds and remember these lines: Don't sell the future of that child you would one day raise as a mother, on the altar of today's fun. Don’t loose tomorrow because of your inability to prioritize and take responsibility of your actions. Don’t dance naked in the name of fashion because your daughter would do worse than that. There is much you can do, there is more to you than you can see. Pick a book, read it, pick another book read it too, pick another book and read it too. Gradually, you'll come to realize that the events of tomorrow is a culmination of today's actions and in-actions. Leaders are readers, they say and you're one leader tomorrow is looking forward to seeing. So why not start now and take responsibility for your actions?

There's truly no modern African woman and no ancient African woman. The values haven't changed, neither will they change. When the golden orb called the sun sits on his throne tomorrow, what will be your story? She who must be called a modern African Lady must know that the future of tomorrow's generation lays in how she handles the cards that life dishes out to her today. Mess up with it, tomorrow is lost but play well with it, tomorrow will celebrate you.


     I have a “tank full” of thanks to people who set records and good examples to follow in my career ladder, who are blessed by God above normal imagination because they worked hard and are where they are because they read and did something out of the ordinary. This Great minds, also friends I respect include:
Ali Baba the Classic Nigerian Comedian, he paved the way for today’s comedy. Mo Abudu, popularly known via Moments with Mo, Jeremiah Gyang, Bans Nation including Terry tha rapman, Pherowshuz, Overdose. Mista Seth. Mc Longs, a friend that taught me a lot in few words (May his soul rest in peace), Mista Wolf and Backstage ENt. Mother Queen aka Sak solo, Linda Ikeji. My Mother, Doe Ibrahim. BluesRed C.E.O Emmanuel the computer guru. KSTV MCs. Silver Bird Jos MCs, NTA TV College Staff and Students, Highland FM MCs, Ghana Silver Bird MCs, Ovulation media, Hnaub Nation Network and subscribers among the long list of friends, family and well-wishers. I want to say thank you to the featured writers and every artist practicing arts in music, painting and drawing, writing, talking, presenting or acting etc. GOD BLESS YOUR HAND AND MOUTH WORK








           David Okorie

Da'vid King 

Journalist Freelance
Charity Israel   (Charity Israel:   )

Writer Services
For writing services and literal consultations contact these writers via their Facebook accounts
           David Okorie:
           Da'vid King:
           Clara Moore:
           Charity Israel:  
           Gen. Sam Arua:
           Okeke Precious Kosie:


OKORIE DAVID is the C.E.O of Reality Power Talk, a company that specializes on developing intellectual properties/programs for individual development.  He is a creative biographer, pan African Youth activist, and the author of acclaimed inspirational book: I NEVER KNEW I WAS RICH. His goal is to help people achieve personal greatness and career fulfillment.

 CHARITY ISRAEL, a freelance reporter and a reporter with Golfe TV Benin. An English undergraduate that is always occupied with natural and fiction writing. Loves to sing and performs gospel songs. I believe that the world can be changed with the help of positive journalism, which brings ignored details to public attention. I love natural air by the beach, social outings and making great friends with positive minds. We burn candles at night today so that we burn celebration fireworks tomorrow.

 OKEKE PRECIOUS K. is a performer and writer of poems. She is an open and social character with artistic gifts. She loves singing, writing poems, reading magazines, blogging on arts among others. Be simple and humble and God will uplift you.

  SAMUEL ARUA, a founder of Love A Child foundation. A foundation that is into charity in Benin and soon Africa in diaspora. He is a promoter and publicist. He works with Global Konsult Group. He loves writing on Daily Healthy living concepts and motivational write-ups. He believes in touching lives and reaching out to encourage youths on getting their daily bread through just means.

  CLARA MOORE is a creative story writer. A graduate of mass communication. She loves writing series-stories that depicts love, secrets and climax. She loves music, natural sights, travelling and reading novels. A reserved personality but yet social in her own unique way. Loved by many readers for her works including “The Secrets” among other short write ups she has. She believes in living a God fearing life and loving thy neighbor as thyself principle. Be kind and loving to people you meet.

  DA'VID KING, C.E.O Red Badge/Thri310concept Business. A practitioner of mass communication, business strategist, idealist and artist. Loves hobbies that include photography, the art of kissing, creating new ideas, fixing business hassles, inventing new ideas, loves natural scenes among others. I believe that “living and existing are two different things and being nice is a nice thing” I believe that there is nothing impossible that we can’t do as far as we have God, time and our mind.

Intellectual Properties of the writers mentioned above. The Modern African Lady (c) 2015 (sharing this material is allowed) but any profitable featuring should gain permission from Doit4africa/Red Badge/Da’vidKing 

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