Friday, July 10, 2015

The Rituals in Living By Da’vid King

  The Rituals in Living  
                     By Da’vid King, the modern psalmist

 Let's say you don't know that the world has series of rituals done daily to keep things happening. Just like God is in three forms, so also is man three beings and Living or manifestations in three forms. WHAT IS AND WILL BE MUST HAVE A PHYSICAL FORM, A SPIRIT AND AN EXISTING POWER.

 THE PHYSICAL FORM: This is what you can see, the frame that is touchable. The body for human beings.

 THE SPIRIT FORM: This is where its gets tricky, everything seen has a spirit form. The spirit hears the voice of declaration. For everything must be made in the spirit form first before manifestation. God deliberately wants us to know this "he said let us make him in our own image: Jesus became flesh to complete physical form of God, he came and was seen. The Holy Ghost unseen and God the existing power. Therefore all things where made this order. If it is living it has life and if not it doesn’t but that does not mean it is not in its three forms nature. You can see it, you can tell it to move and it will move because it obeys a faith-filled command. (Faith-filled simply means believing it will happen, a believing force that unleashes the spiritual to manifestation)
 Everything that exists have a spirit form, this is a fact.

 THE EXISTING POWER: This simply means the fact that it is still on earth. Can be seeing by all living creatures, can be perceived and felt. You can see the rock, spirits feel and perceive each other and the breeze can be felt on the face. They exist but in the situation that it loses its existing power, it fails to exist immediately. Note: the living can seize to exist but his or its remains can still enjoy existing power. The remains seizes to exist when it gets destroyed to vanishing point.

What are the Rituals in Living? Christians are expected to daily observe meditations, chanting and incantations. This acts are used deeply by other religions because they understand its daily use. Those that take the day by night and the night by day are those that declare words. The power in the tongue that God Spoke means we must speak to bring to being.  Rituals in Living is the daily prayers, positive declarations, meditations, songs and words said to the air and earth, to manifest our desire. Great achieved men always say "keeping saying the positive and keep speaking it out"

 These rituals must be done to pave a way for anything to manifest. These words should not sound negative to you, these are deep secrets revealed in THE BIBLE. To create something new, one must speak, believe as you visualize and make. Just as God spoke, visualized and made. After waking up in the morning, you observed your morning prayers daily. This is a ritual. Those that sing and speak in tongues are enchanting and saying incantations.

  IF YOU MUST CREATE THAN YOU NEED THE RIGHT RECIPE OF RITUALS watch out for my next publication on The Rituals in Living 2

 Da'vid King
 Red Badge Business

 Knowledge is power 
                                              da'vidking property (c) 2015 All rights reserved.   

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