Hot Story

The scene is that of the bedroom
(The glass cup she was holding fell down and broke in shock at the sight) Daddy!!!(Nods her head pathetically) NO! NO! NO! Why? W..h..y? How could you do this??? Harriet!! Why? He is your father! (Stares at her dad in disgust) she is your daughter! Why would you sleep with your daughter? (Tears flows down her cheek) so you've been sleeping with her all this while? How could you dad? (she said in tears) Mum must know about this!!! ( She rushes out crying)
(She had been crying all the while, she couldn't say anything,she rushes out after her sister) 
(He begins to sweat profusely) please don't tell your mum. Am sorr..y,I never meant for this to happen....Please forgive me,I beg you,don't tell your mum. ( He said as he watch her leave and harriet followed suit )
LIght fades....
Watch out for this new series titled THE SECRET by claramoore...

In the living room....... 
(She sits in anger with her legs crossed) Harriet,why? Why dint you tell me,I thought we were sisters and we tell each other everything? Why?? (She said in tears)how could you be sleeping with your own father and still keep it to yourself??? Harriet! (She nods her head and stood up crying and pacing around in anger) when did this start? Why did you allow it??? (She said, almost raising her voice at her sister) Answer me,did he deflower you too?
(She had been crying bitterly and remorsefully,unable to talk after the incident)
He for...ced me..he has been forcing me....he deflowered me.. It started six months ago...I tried to tell but he threatened me...i never meant to betray mum,I never meant to betray anyone (she bursts into uncontrollable tears) am sorry,please don't tell mum about this..I beg you..she will kill me!I have betrayed her..I slept with her husband,my dad!
(Enters...Almost on his kneels as he held helen's right hand pleading) please don't tell your mum,its going to ruin everything,things are going to get worse, don't tell my daughter please
(Snaps angrily in tears) You are not my father! (Turns to harriet) harriet,we can't keep this from mum,we can't betray our own mother,we can't! (She prepares to leave).
This is the best thing to do Helen,to keep it away from your mum and its going to die off without her knowing. I promise not to touch your sister again,Helen,think about the consequences of telling your mum...I know I have committed an abomination,its unheared off,a father sleeping with his daughter! I know and am sorry... (He said convincingly and in despair)
(Stares at Helen as she sobs intermittently) I have betrayed mum! She will never forgive me! Please Helen,please...
Its not your fault Harriet,you are not to be blamed,the only mistake you made is not telling anyone...Don't let him confuse you like you are guilty...come (she walks out with harriet as she placates her hugging her tightly) 
They both left for their room leaving their father speechless,he was confused. Helen was a hard nut to crack!
Light fades......

The third day,in the bedroom...
Both sisters are seen sitting on the bed facing each other anxiously......
( Tensed)Mum is going to be back today. Harriet,I don't know if we should we really keep this away from mum. Mum dosen't deserve this,she has always been a good mother to us...
(Almost in tears) Please sis,I know how much it hurts you to discover this and still be pressurized to keep it as a secret but you don't know how much more it hurts me to be the one involved...I dint know how to tell you or mum. Even when I wanted to,dad always had a way of shutting me up. (in tears) I regret everything,I regret the day i was born,I regret he was my father,i regret the day I knew him,I regret the day he deflowered me,I regret ever...I betrayed my own mother helen!
(Cuts in,in tears too) okay,I will just try and keep it away from her,she will never hear of it i promise (she shakes her head remorsefully as she moves to hug harriet)
Light Fades....

Its the second day after the arrival of Mrs Loretta......
The scene is that of the living room,everyone is seen watching the Tv but Loretta seems to notice her two daughters who had been mute throughout even when it was their favourite Tv show.
What's up with my beautiful daughters,I noticed your moods since my arrival. You have both been keeping indoors and if I hadn't call you both,you would have be locked up inside and to even think you would want to miss watching The Kadarshians with your mum! (She turns to Helen) Elinnn...( She calls her in her usual pet name) what's wrong,talk to your mum
(She replies casually) Nothing mum,am fine
(she looks at Harriet who was looking away trying to hide her tears) Harrylove..the baby of the house! what's wrong? Tell me if Helen dosent want to(She sees her daughter's tears) what? Are you crying? Tell me,what's the problem? What's wrong with you? (She tries to move closer to her)
(Holds her and stops her from going) she just broke up with her boyfriend! and I have told her life must go on,she obviously loves him so much. She has been like that for sometime now and imagine! She has dragged her sister into the same mood! (He looks at both girls eyeing them surreptitiously) Helen,get me a glass of water!
(She stares at her Dad furiously and nods her head) Am sorry Dad,I can't go! I am tired..I am just... tired (she stood up wanting to leave)

(Stood up furiously facing Helen) Helen! Are you out of your mind! Do you realise you are talking to your dad,What has come over you?? This is arrant nonsense! Will you apologise now before I...
Mum am sorry,I just can't...I...ju... (she walks away furiously as she sights her father who had been surreptitiously eyeing her again)
(Confused and devastated,she stares at her husband) Honey! What's going here,why did she talk to you that way?
(He becomes prevaricated) Are you asking me why your so called daughter you claim to teach morals talked to me that way? It is you I should ask! (He walks out angrily)
(Turns to Harriet who had been astound by her sister's reaction) what has come over your sister,did she not realise she was talking to her father? Tell me,is there something I don't know? Harrie,talk to me....
(She looks away and stood up to leave) mum, i just think she is tired,she told me she wasn't feeling too well earlier on. I will go talk to her (She walks away hastily)
(With much chagrin,she switches of the Tv and leaves the sitting room flabbergasted)
Light fades....
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The next day,Helen and Harriet's room..
Loretta,Helen and Harriet are seen in the room...(Loretta is seen sitting on a chair facing helen and harriet who are sited on the bed facing her)
I am obscure about your obnoxious attitude yesterday and I demand an explanation! I deliberately let you be because it was obvious you lost your temper. so I am listening to whatever reasons that warranted such indolence to your father. (Her anger becomes aggravated) Even if he was lenient to you and your sis,nothing,I mean nothing should have given you such effontry!
(She becomes remorseful) Mum,I am really sorry for acting that way. I was just...(She became short of words) Am just very sorry,I dint know what came over me,nothing happened,i was just in a bad mood. I promise not to repeat such again. (She moves close to her mum and kneels before her) please forgive me...
(Goes on her kneels too) Mum,she is sorry,you know she has never acted that way before...
(Cuts in) And that's why i am very much surprised at her! is there something else apart from the fact that Harrie broke up with her boyfriend? Is there something you are not telling me? Talk to me,I am your mum...Did you also break up with your boyfriend?
(Helen looks at her mum,she wanted to say something but Harriet held her hand then both nods their head) Nothing mum
Then you need to apologise to your dad helen,he has been very crossed with you. It was very disrespectful of you to have behave that way without no cogent reason and even if there was one,you have no right. He even vowed to stop paying your fees and also report you to the elders too. The way your uncle reported your cousin Joy last year and she had to work on the farm for two weeks or have you forgotten that is your father's family way of putting offenders to law?. Am sure you are aware that that will means you skipping lectures too. I had to plead with him severally before he had to take back his words.
(Furious but tries to be remorseful) I regret my actions mum,I apologise. Just help me tell him am sorry. I don't think it would be best if I went,he might become more irritated when he sees me,I have...
(She stands up and begins to walk out) come along with me now!
(In rage,she stares at Harriet who pleads with her to coperate. She leaves the room leaving Harriet who was almost in tears)
Light Fades...

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(Angrily speaks and gesticulates while pacing around) What do you take me for? What has come over you or you think you are now a big girl because you now have some immature boyfriends? Don't ever in your life try that insanity with me again or else I will show you what am made off or do you actually think I can't punish you for what you did? Am only respecting your mother because she has pleaded on your behalf! Now,kneel before me and apologize!!
(Almost move to tears,she wanted to say something but she held back. she goes on her kneels) Am sorry...I mean am sorry father....(She paused and then continues) I promise this will never repeat itself again...I promise....
(She moves close to her husband who was still angry and held his hand)She is sorry honey,she is just a baby...she has apologized,pardon her can see she is crying already,she regrets her action biko Nne....
(Looks at his wife) its because of you Nkem (Turns to Helen) stand up my daughter ( He smiles wickedly) I have forgiven you...(As Helen made to leave) come,come,don't go yet,come and give your dad a big hug to show that he has forgiven you. You know you are my favourite daughter!

(She moves aside triumphantly,she had resolved the issue she thought) Don't say that in front of her honey (she said coyly)
(Very angry but couldn't show it,puts on a chagrin smile. she walks reluctantly to hug him)
I love you my girl,don't just repeat such again (He then whispers into her ear in a way that Loretta was unaware) Don't ever try to say anything or else, I will deal with you
I am not Harriet(she responded quietly and walks away putting up a smile to deceive her mother from noticing her mood)
(She move close to her husband who smiled at his victory and both hug each other) Thank you honey
Light Fades as both resolve to their bed

The Next day....
The scene is that of Helen and Harriet's room...
I don't think i can still keep this,i really don't think i can. I can't believe mum dosen't still know about. Harriet, mum is travelling to south Africa today and we have no idea when she is coming back,should we just tell her about it?we can't continue to keep this. Am worried...
(Moved to tears) Mum will hate me if she scared...
But it wasn't your fault harriet? You keep saying this as if you did it willingly (she said in frustration)
Oh no helen! How could you say that? I told you he forced me! I have told you how it started,everything! How it all happened,and how I tried to tell you...please believe me sis...
Am sorry,I believe you but I just feel it isn't best to keep it away from mum..(She said almost moved to tears too)
Alfred walks in.......
My mind dosen't deceive me,I hope you both are not trying to tell your mum? You better not! And you Helen,if you give me a tough time,I will find a way of dealing with you! Harriet,you know i won't be the only one been humiliated here?your mum is going to be disappointed in you if she knows,she is going to hate you,curse you,and disown you for life! You dint even bother to tell her about such illicit act,she is never going to forgive you!
(Helen tries to cut in furiously in tears and bitterness) Dad!....why...
(He cuts her short) You see Harriet,there is so much reason why we have to keep this a secret as we have always,you understand?
(Cries audibly now) Dad why,why? Its unfair,why would you treat me this way,I am your daughter for crying out loud! Why are you doing this to me?? I hate you father!!!
(Stands up furiously) I won't take this any longer dad,I won't have you manipulate my sister this way! I understand she is susceptible and fragile but I won't have you use her and still threaten her! (She rages) you are a guile and cruel man! I hate you! How could you sleep with your own biological daughter and still grief her? You are a disgrace to fathers!
All of a sudden........
(Harriet screams in shock as she sees a reflection of someone by the door) Mum!!!
Light Fades...
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